Saturday, December 31, 2005

So does that mean I have what it takes?

Since I got right three of the four questions that Joel posed here? I don't know JavaScript and hence didn't attempt Question 2, so I guess I should feel even more snotty :-)

To be fair, the two C questions are trivial to anyone who has done anything worthwhile in C. The Scheme question was a bit trickier for me, since Scheme syntax is slightly different from Common Lisp, but again, nothing an average Lisper would find too challenging.

On a related note, it's getting quite predictable:
  1. Joel writes something controversial

  2. His acolytes jump in and express their concurrence enthusiastically

  3. A few nay-sayers pipe in with their objections and

  4. A legion of geeks go to bed that night, satisfied that they have done their bit to uphold their geek cred