The plot revolves around a conversation about the planned assassination of the President of Matobo overheard by Silvia Broome (Nicole Kidman), an interpreter at the UN. Silvia takes this to the authorities, but is not taken seriously because she is not considered credible; as we move along, we also discover that she has a violent past, going back to the days when she and her family used to live in Matobo and that she might very well be involved with folks who might want the President dead. The meat of the movie is about how the threat to the President is handled and the interpreter is protected from those who want her dead.
The Interpreter is a deeply unsatisfying and unconvincing movie. It takes something like an hour before anything interesting happens. Even when it does, the action is average at best. The climax also doesn't rise to the levels it could have, given the potential in the plot.
If I hear one more faux African tribal story that is supposed to showcase the wisdom of simple villagers and how it is so superior to modern civilisation, I am going to barf.