Friday, August 04, 2006

Bonus weekend

I travelled to Mumbai yesterday. The trip was initially planned for four days, but there was a change in plans, and I returned home last night itself. End result: whatever time I have this weekend at home is bonus time. I don't need to stick to any schedule, don't have any chores to run, nothing planned. So what does one do in such a situation?
  1. Spend the entire two days without reading a single word, either on the computer screen or on the printed page (the non-verbalisation thought experiment).

  2. Do two days of zazen (yeah, like I really could).

  3. Find out what it's like to stay in bed the whole day.
Something tells me this weekend will be no different from the countless ones before. I have been in the rut for too long to do anything so out-of-the-box.