Thursday, February 09, 2006

Staying on the topic of anonymity

... here is a way to conceal your identity effectively:
  1. Install Privoxy and Tor.

  2. Log in to (yes, Argentina) and create an email address for yourself (with, of course, a handle that doesn't reflect your real name). [*]

  3. If you want to enjoy the benefits of a Gmail account while retaining your anonymity, proceed to Step 4. Otherwise go ahead and put your Yahoo account to good (anonymous) use.

  4. Assuming that you have a Gmail account with invites to spare, send an invite to the email address created in step 2. If you do not have a Gmail account, wheedle one from a friend or an acquaintance. We are basically establishing plausible deniability; in the event that the Yahoo email address is traced back to you, you can always claim that you sent the invite via Gmail Swap.

  5. Use this invite to create a valid Gmail account, again with an untraceable handle.

  6. If you are really paranoid, proceed to Step 7. If not, use this Gmail address to post anonymously to your heart's content.

  7. Repeat steps 2 to 5 by creating a chain of shell Gmail/Yahoo accounts. Visit the Mongolian, Tadjik and Burkina Faso versions of Yahoo. Be creative.
[*] Yahoo currently permits you to create an email account without specifying another existing and valid email address. If this policy ever changes, replace Yahoo with some other free email service that doesn't impose such a restriction. The idea is not to leave any trace or log of your real email/IP address anywhere in the 'system'.