I spent more than two hours yesterday listening to an interview of Indira Singh (9/11 researcher/whistleblower), and it was interesting to say the least. However, I am not sure whether she is a kook or the genuine article. Her credentials seem impeccable -- assuming she is the same Indira Singh who co-founded the Object Developers Group, but some of her contentions seem explosive: for example, she says that the elder Bush is directly implicated in some satanic cult rituals (after reading Programmed to Kill my ears seem to be specially tuned to pick these things up), but doesn't go into specifics.
Her main premise is that there is a core of around a hundred or so individuals who run a shadowy transnational organisation that is involved in money laundering, human/drug trafficking, global terrorism and so on, and that this group is in control of American politics. As, I said earlier, explosive stuff if true.
BTW, going by the one image I could find of her via Google, she's a serious contender to Sibel Edmonds in the eye candy stakes.