Saturday, July 23, 2005

Suicide bomber suspect shot dead

BBC has these eyewitness accounts of the shooting. According to one of the eyewitnesses:
"I saw an Asian guy. He ran on to the train, he was hotly pursued by three plain clothes officers, one of them was wielding a black handgun."
The person's reaction to being challenged and pursued would definitely have been more suspicious if he had been pursued by uniformed men. Even an innocent person is likely to take to his heels if thinks he is being chased by some unknown assailants. The suspect's reactions reinforce this:
"He looked absolutely petrified and then he sort of tripped, but they were hotly pursuing him..."
One question that comes to mind is, if this person is one of the four suspects whose pictures were released earlier, would he chance it and make another attempt the very next day after the failed one on Thursday?

The entire story hinges on whether any explosives were found on his person.