Sunday, August 15, 2004

The Indian government has laid out a number of dos and don't regarding the national flag. One of these is that "Using the National Flag... as a portion of costume or uniform..." is prohibited.

Damn, now the Indian athletes will not be able to drape the flag around them as they do victory laps around the stadium after winning their gold medals :-)

Another gem is this (I would have posted a link, but the rules are from an advertisement in yesterday's The Hindu):

"Public [sic] may wave the Flag made of paper on occasions of important national, cultural and sports events. However, such paper flags should not be discarded or thrown on the ground after the event."

My comments:

1. I don't think anybody could have come up with a better spoof than this of a dictatorial government (a la North Korea) telling its citizen drones how to behave if they had tried their best.

2. I can see no freaking way the second rule can be enforced, given the general lack of civic sense among the people and the fact that the authorities have much more important things to do than trying to stop this from happening.