Friday, May 07, 2004

The more I think about the Iraqi prisoners' torture story, the more I am convinced that the release of these photos was no accident. (Yeah, I am a closet conspiracy theorist :-) )

If there were a quiz programme and the question "What act by America would produce the maximum amount of rage and revulsion in the Arab world?" were asked, and one of the contestants answered "Undress an Iraqi prisoner, parade him naked in front of a Caucasian American lady and a) ask him to pretend to jerk off and make the lady gleefully point at this act and laugh or b) make him wear a pair of panties (which most probably belong to said American lady) as a head-scarf", the quiz master would have said, "Whoa, son, let's not go overboard with our imagination..."

Somebody is hell-bent on starting WWIII.